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Clicking here will take you to the Bono's Chiropractic message board. For those of you who've used a message
board before you'll have no problems, all we need you to do is register with a username and password.
For those of you who've never used a message board that's no problem,
just continue reading this page and it will walk you through how to login and post a message!!

     What is a Message Board?

A message board is exactly what it sounds like. It's a way to post different messages on the internet for anyone to read. Message boards are great for discussion forums, question and answer sessions, and just posting messages and having fun. One reason message boards are great for question and answer sessions is that you can look at all the questions everyone has asked to see if your question is in there. If it is you can click on it and see all feedback that question has received. All in all message boards are a great way of swapping information over the internet.

     How do I log into the Message Board?

Logging into the message board will take a couple of mouse clicks... but that's about it. If you click here a new window will open with our message board, this way you can switch back from the instructions page to the message board page without having to constantly click your back and forward buttons, ready.. here we go.

The page you started at should have a bunch of stuff on it... but right now all we're concerned about is what should be at the very top of the page in the center. It should say Bono Chiropractic.com in the center, there should also be a bunch of little icons below this. Click on the Register Icon.

bono chiropractic

The page you should be at now is a legal page, if you agree to the terms, click on the "I agree to the terms" sentence at the bottom of the paragraphs.

     Setting Up Your Account

After clicking on the agree to terms link the next window if full of form windows that you can enter information in. The only one's that you must fill out are marked with an asterisk, this is all the info we need to get you posting messages on the message board. Your username is how you are identified on the message board. Anytime a message is posted it says what user posted that message, essentially this is your name on the message board.

Just type your email address in the email address window, and type a password you want to use when logging into the message board. Anytime you want to post something on the message board you are required to type in your username and your password, so please make sure you remember them or write them down.

The set of windows below the username and password windows contains your profile information. Anytime a message is posted not only does it show that persons username, but there is also a button you can click to get that persons profile information. Anything you type in these windows can be viewed by anybody on the message board, so please don't put any information in here that you don't want people to have.

Below this are your preferences. Feel free to go through these and change them as you wish, however, the default settings are what is recommended. Once this is done click on the submit button at the bottom of the page.

     Logging In

Once you hit the submit button you should be taken to a confirmation page, once you click on the "click here" link you should be taken to the message boards start page. At the bottom of the page there are windows for you to type in your newly acquired username and passwords. Do this then click on the login button to the right. If this worked properly the page should look the exact same but the username and password windows should have disappeared from the bottom of the page.

     Posting a Message

Posting a message is easy. First click on the forum you want to post the message in. A forum is the general topic that is being discussed on that message board, there should be forums for "A Healthy Diet" and "Our Workouts". When you click on that forum you should be able to see all the messages that have been posted in that forum. To post a new message click on the New Topic button that is at the top and the bottom of the forum windows.

tutorial pic 2

Your new window should have a subject window type in the subject of your message, and a body windows to type in you actual message. In the body window there are a bunch of different buttons, as well as a grouping of different smiley faces to the left of the text window. To insert any of these faces into your message just put the cursor where you want the smiley to appear, then click on the smiley you want in your message.

The buttons above the body window change the way the text looks, if you want the text to be underlined, just highlight the text and click the U button. Although it won't immediatly underline the text, in your posted message the text will be underlined. Once you have your message just right click on the preview button at the bottom of the page, this shows exactly what your posted message will look like in the preview window above the window you typed your information in. If you want to change the message before it's posted, change it in the window you originally typed it in. As soon as you finish, click the submit button, and congratulations..... you've just posted a message!!